Wednesday, 26 February 2014

Week 4 in Year 3 and 4

We are nearly at the end of Week 4 already. It seems like the start of school was just the other day! Students in the Year 3 and 4 team have been learning in Inquiry all about how to be great learners, and practising this across all our learning. We're looking forward to our trips to Pataka next week to view the artwork on show and make art out of recycled materials. Follow this link to view an outline of the art making programme we will do at Pataka, 'Sustainability: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle It'. Here is a copy of the Reduce Reuse Recycle song by Jack Johnson for you to listen to and sing along with. Room 10 have started writing stories in the blog about characters they have made up. They are saved inside the blog until they are ready to be published. Room 10 are also planning some digital stories showing their brilliant maths strategies and other classwork. The syndicate will also showcase our Pataka trips here. Keep your eye on our blog! Thanks, Caroline.

Wednesday, 19 February 2014

Room 10's Holiday Art

Toby and Cameron made a photopeach using some of our artwork showing what we did in the holidays.

Room 10's cool faces on PhotoPeach

Wednesday, 12 February 2014

Welcome to our Blog!

The Year 3 and 4 team at Paremata School we have set up a team blog for 2014 so we can celebrate our learning by showing you the digital work we do. In the first term we have a focus on digital storytelling. Many of our stories will be presented on our blog for you to view and comment on. Rooms 9, 10 11 and 12 are going to have a great time sharing our work with you.

The first digital story we have for you is a photopeach I made of a holiday my husband and I had in India. The reason I am sharing this story here is so that our syndicate can see what a great tool photopeach is, and Room 10 can find out about what I like to do when I'm not teaching. I hope that this week we can begin making a photopeach of Room 10's holiday artwork.

Caroline, Room 10 teacher.