If you know your doubles and halves up to 20 it's really easy to work out addition and subtraction problems with larger numbers. Here are some videos to help you practise.
Doubles 1-20
Doubles 1-10
Doubles 12-20
Doubles song (Addition)
Halves song (Subtraction)
Making Ten is a really useful strategy for adding and subtracting. If you learn what makes 10 it'll make using the strategy really simple.
Place value is the value, or amount each number is worth. We start by reading numbers in ones, tens and hundreds and move onto bigger numbers. It's important that our year 3 and 4 students understand that numbers such as 793 are place holders and really mean 700 + 90 + 3.
This video isn't a song like the others, it is a lesson that explains place value really well.
These songs explain place value.
It's important that we know the difference between teen numbers (10 and more extra numbers, such as 13, 14, 15...), and 'ty' numbers (numbers that are groups of 10, such as 30, 40, 50...)
Teen Numbers
A video song with a worried bird who cannot learn place value. In this song place value means to correctly read numbers.
its nice to sing along to some songs!!