Monday, 24 March 2014


Do you like penguins? Well I sure do.        
Penguin  females normally lay 1 egg but they have a rare which is 2. Penguins keep warm because they are warm blooded. Penguins are mostly seen at zoos like our zoos that we have in New Zealand.

Early Antarctica explorers thought that penguins were fish. There are over 2 million in the world. Most penguins lay eggs. There diet is: Krill fish and shrimp.

Penguins chicks don't weigh more than a bag of sugar, thats not lots either.
Penguins can't fly because their wings aren't big enough to support there body. There are approxamitly 18 speices in the history of penguins.

Most kids think that penguins live in Antarctica but they're all over the world. My favourite penguins is the Emperor  penguin. Here's a picture of it.                               

That's an Emperor penguin that would be taller than you if you're small like I am well... maybe not the baby Emperors they might be a bit shorter.

Thanks for reading!
By Rhys                                                                                                                        

Friday, 21 March 2014

Greenstone by Mika and Max

The Maori word for green stone is pounamu. Green stone is formed deep. Green stone is one of the hardest stones in the world. Green stone contains iron copper that makes the colour green. It is found in rivers and streams in New Zealand. Here are some of the places that green is found: In Nelson, Westland, Milford, Wanaka and Wakatipu. Green stone is not always green sometimes it could be yellow.         

Thursday, 20 March 2014

Room 10's Assembly by Caroline

On Friday of Week 7 at 12 o'clock Room 10 held an assembly for the Year 3 and 4 Syndicate. We have a Syndicate Assembly in Weeks 4, 7 and 10 to share and celebrate our learning. We also have Syndicate Singing Assemblies in Weeks 2, 5 and 8. In Weeks 3, 6 and 9 of each term we have schoolwide assemblies in the hall.

To prepare for the assembly the Room 10 students selected their assembly jobs and wrote their scripts so they knew what to say. Then they practised presenting. Presenting in front of an audience is really hard to do! Everyone had to remember to speak slowly and clearly and use a loud voice. It was hard to do this while trying to remember the words and look at the audience all at once! 


Introduction- Gabby
Criteria- Otis, Ben and Toby
National Anthem- Max C and Maya
Foxy- Liana, Sophia and Rachael
Introducing the Year 3 & 4 Blog- Toby H and Rhys
On the blog...

  • Curiosity killed the cat- Cameron D
  • Bonnie introduced the Holiday Artwork hanging in the classroom then Cam and Logan showed the Holiday artwork photopeach that Toby made.
  • Greenstone Research- Max S, Oliver and Mika
  • Robot Stories- Mia and Sophia

Certificates- Carter
Farewell- Imogen and Cameron L

This assembly was great practise for the School Assembly in Week 9 that Room 10 will present. We hope a lot of Room 10 friends and family can come along to see us present!

Curiosity Killed The Cat - a made up story.

When I was two, my mum got a cat named June. He had  grey fur and leafy green eyes. He always used to gently cuddle against me,sitting on my lap. One day he ran on the road and got ran over by a car! We took him to the vet and he lived but his leg had to get   amputated [chopped off]. He lived happily with us until his 22nd birthday he became sick. We took him to the vet but it was too late. He was DEAD.

by Cameron D

Tuesday, 18 March 2014

The Art Extravaganza

"Grab your sketch books, pencils and line up" said Mrs Haswell. "We can't go because we have no parent helpers yet." Suddenly they appeared around the corner. "Yay let's go. We're going to have some fun at Pataka"

At Pataka we sketched some things that were there, like the Chinese animal faces. We also saw the Blood Faces exhibition. There was also another breathtaking exhibition on how Whittakers chocolate was made.

We made a mirror out of rolled up magazines. We started from the corner and rolled it tightly around a paintbrush. We glued the end of the paper, took the paintbrush out and kept rolling. Then once we've got lots of them, we glued them onto a piece of round flat plywood.

After a day of making excellent up-cycled art out of household trash, we came back to school on the fast slithering train. We were so exhausted!!

From awesome Room 11.

Sunday, 16 March 2014

My Robot Star Spy

My robot can spy and it can help. My robot like to fly and spy and make shadows. It doesn't like some other robots. My robot lives on all the planets like Mars. It like to play with  some robots. It likes to eat water, grass, oil and milk. My robot's job is to spy. It likes me. I like Star Spy. She loves me. 

I like to adventure with her but some times I can't go with her because she goes to different countries and goes to different planets. It is too dangerous for me. My robot is a cat.

By Mia, Room 10

The Queen of the Fire Kingdom and the Queen of the Water Kingdom.

Once upon a time in the Fire Kingdom a little baby was born. The baby grew into a mean Queen that ruled every bit of the Fire Kingdom. Not long after that mean Queen ruled a baby was born in the Snow and Water Kingdom. She grew into a nice Queen that ruled the Water and Snow Kingdom kindly! 

When the Water and Snow Queen was watching TV she saw that the Fire Queen was killing some of her people! Then she flew to the Fire Kingdom to defend her people. She quickly grabbed her people and flew back to the Snow and Water Kingdom before it was too late. 

The Fire Queen was happy because the Snow and Water Queen showed her how to be a nice Queen. Then the Fire Queen texted her saying, 'You have shown me how to be a good Queen." They became best friends. 

by Cameron L, Room 10

The Fire Queen looks like this: Red hair and yellow dress, red eyes and red shoes. 

The Water and Snow Queen looks like this: Blue eyes, blue dress, ice shoes and blue hair! 

Wednesday, 12 March 2014

Room 12 visiting Pataka

We, the students of Room 12, are part of the next generation - guardians or kaitiaki - who will look after our planet. 
We are responsible for taking care of the air, the water and the earth. 
We must look after our sandy beaches, rocky rock pools and muddy mudflats that are at our doorstep in and around Paremata.
We are big on taking care of the environment.    
We are interested in how we can reduce and reuse waste materials and upcycle them into art.

That's why Room 12 went on a trip to Pataka to learn more about reduce, reuse and recycle, and what to do with all the waste materials we have on our planet.

We learnt that you can make:
  • bunnies out of plastic bags
  • symmetrical art flowers out of cardboard boxes
  • bracelets out of old copper wiring that can be decorated with beads made out of paper
  • rainbow coloured frames decorated with little bits of broken Kinder Surprise toys
  • pencil holders out of plastic bottles

They all looked amazing!

Please look after our wonderful world. Don't throw all your rubbish away.

Sunday, 2 March 2014

Pataka Visits this week

H Paremata Year 3 and 4 students,

I am sure everyone is looking forward to our class trips to Pataka Museum in Porirua this week! Please remember to wear a hat, good walking shoes and sunblock, to bring a raincoat in case of rain, and to make sure you have a packed lunch and full bottle of water. Before we leave Paremata School you'll need to pop your sketching book and a pencil into your school bag as well as there will be opportunities to draw after you have viewed some wonderful and inspiring artworks. If you are catching the 9 am train (Rooms 11 and 9) you'll need to get to school nice and early as you'll start walking to the station at about 8:45/ 8:50 am. Here is a link to some of the exhibitions on at Pataka that we can look at while we are there. There is even an art show about chocolate on the second page! Pataka Exhibitions

Here is the timetable for our trip days.

The timetable for morning sessions:
9am-12:45: Room 11 Wednesday March 5th and Room 9 Thursday March 6th
9:00- Catch train from Paremata Station
9:10- Arrive at Porirua Station and walk to Pataka Art Museum
9:30- Eat morning tea
View artworks on display at Pataka. Draw in sketching books.
10:00-11:30- Sustainability- Reduce, Reuse, Recycle It. Art-making session
(refreshment if required) View artworks on display at Pataka. Draw in sketching books.
12:00- Walk from Pataka to Porirua Station
12:35- Board train for Paremata Station
12:40- Arrive at Paremata Station and walk back to school.
Eat lunch on return to school.

The timetable for afternoon sessions:
11am-2:45pm Room 10 Wednesday March 5th and Room 12 Thursday March 6th
Morning tea at school
11:00- Catch train from Paremata Station
11:10- Arrive at Porirua Station and walk to Pataka Art Museum
View artworks on display at Pataka. Draw in sketching books.
12:00- Eat lunch
12:30-2pm- Sustainability- Reduce, Reuse, Recycle It. Art-making session
2:00- Walk from Pataka to Porirua Station
2:35- Board train for Paremata Station
2:40- Arrive at Paremata Station and walk back to school.

More Room 10 Art Work

Here is a photopeach of more Room 10 artwork.
room 10 art on PhotoPeach