Wednesday, 28 May 2014

Rippa Rugby! By Otis Rm 10

If you don't know what rippa rugby is then keep reading because I'm going to tell you.

The first step is to catch the ball. If you don't know how don't worry. You need your hards free. 

Team work is important in rippa rugby because your team need to pass the ball not hog it, and know when people are open. Eye contact contact is good to know so you can pass the ball. You always need your hards free so they can pass to you.

Run in an open hole. If you see a hole go for it so you can score a goal. Throw to people who are ready. It's good for people to know you are passing.

I hope you know how to play rippa rugby now.

By Otis.


  1. I think I could play a better game of rippa now I've read this explanation. Thanks Otis!

  2. Well done Otis that was awesome.


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